
Breathing in Snowflakes

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I'm completely smitten over these super cute mittens...In case you were wondering:
a) Yes they are hard to work around with as it limits the amounts of things you can do with your fingers
b) They do make you look as if you have a pair of penguin hands - not exactly attractive at all
But when you're dealing with -14 degree weather, i'm completely down with wearing anything that can basically keep me nice and warm. 

Happy Monday Peeps!!


Novarinna Tan said...

Lovely Sweater <3

Bellamoreway said...

omg love the shots <3 you look really cute ><

The Raspberry Lipstick said...

very nice look! like your coat and sweater. thank you for lovely comment.
would you like to follow each other?

Bernadette Czle said...

love the coat, so lovely photos <3

Theresa said...

This is a great outfit!!! Fantastic winter outfit. (:


Farah said...

wow, all your photos are just too lovely :) fell in love with your blog!

Unknown said...

adorable photos :) you look very warm!

Mili from call me, Maeby