

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Have been off road tripping with barely any decent internet connection. the only thing keeping me sane in the car is a whole playlist of Michael Buble and slightly amusing Chinese warrior films. yeah you heard right, don't even begin to ask =) it's been such a long time since i've gone on these road trips and have completely forgot how tiring it can be...so excuse me if i'm constantly counting the days until my return to civilization.


josephine said...

awesome outfit + the effect is beyond fricken amazing. Chinese warrior films? lol, the only chinese warrior film I ever watched was Mulan, does that count?
i dont think so..

selly octavia said...

I love your photos.... That Sam Edelman Boots are breathtaking!!! Lovin' it!!! :))

Anonymous said...

simple and chic look, love it!

Nadia Kamballa said...

Great look! I love those booties..

Color Me Dot Dress Giveaway by The November Girl

Anonymous said...

Lovely cardigan;)

NBeteck said...

Not following you sooner was a big mistake. The blue skirt=delicious. have a great day =]

sweet said...

love the outfit...and photo as well...great editing hun!!!!

just enjoy your trip...we are always here...


Iulia Romana said...

Loving your outfit,the boots are amazing.And you use Photoscape to edit your photos,right ?

huuuugs :*

Marta said...

you look so fabulous!

K A T H L E E N said...

amazing photos u have!
come follow and vote 4 me xxo

MacVB said...

I am a big big fan of double exposures! :) I love the feel of your photos :)


Le Whatnots

Confessions Of A City Girl said...

These pics are amazing! Where are you road tripping?
